Activity 2 - On your blog tell us what you think about the fact that women were not allowed to vote in Saudi Arabia until 2015. Is it fair? Why or why not?
I in my opinion I thought that it's not fair that us women were not allowed to vote because we are equally the same and for them to treat us women different is not fair.. Even though we are different to men we should be having the same opportunity like men.. I think that they should of changed that law many years ago.
Activity 3 - On your blog, tell us what you think of the poem. Do you like it? How does it make you feel?
This poem is very touchy and emotional to me because we have brave people who had fought for us. It is very emotional because they had to give their lives and family up for our country.. I am very proud of them..

Hi there Vedel my name is Billy and I am from the Summer Learning Journey programme. It is great to see you working so hard during your summer break. I enjoyed reading your comment on the Saudi Arabia activity. I completely agree with you, women should have had the vote a long time ago in Saudi Arabia. I like how you acknowledge that of course there is a difference between men and women but that doesn't mean there should be any difference in opportunity.
Well done and keep up the fantastic blogging!
Hi Billy
Thank you so much for commenting and reading my work... We are all the same and should be treated the same as well... Again, thank you for commenting....
Hi Vedel
Well done, Keep up the fantastic work. Was this difficult to do?
Hi Vedel,
Ruby here from the Summer Learning Journey team! It's great to see that you've been working through these activities. Well done!
Bonus activity: I feel the same way about the poem. It's important to remember the people who fought in the war so that we could have a better future. Many people lost family and friends in the war. How do you think they feel when they read the poem?
I look forward to reading more of your blog over the summer.
Hey Vedel
I can really see the all of the hard work that you have put into this activity. I also am doing the summer learning journey on my blog. What was your favrioute part about this activity? Why?
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