Activity - On your blog tell us whether you would like to be in a Waka Ama race one day. Why or why not?
In my opinion I wouldn't like to take part in Waka Ama because it is very intense and it looks really hard to do. If I actually did the training I would maybe take part in the Waka Ama. It does look fun but at the same time it looks very hard.
Hey Vedel
I like your opinion about waka ama and what would you choose , and yes it does look very hard but you could always take a challenge because your not weak not on bit. Merry christmas and happy new year . bye for now keep it up
Kia Ora Vedel
Magnificent work. I love your reason on why you would not like to participate. It really had me agreeing with you. You had me really interested, keep up the great work my friend:)
Hey Nastazia
Thank you for some really great feed back.. Can't wait to see you in my future posts. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Hey Jolie
Thank you for the positive feed bback.. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year..
Hi Vedel!
I like your post for the Summer Learning Journey this year. In my own personal opinion, I would love to take part in a Waka Ama race. Check put my latest blog post to see why! Your friend, Jazire.
Hi Vedel!
Thanks for sharing your opinion. I agree with you, it looks both intense and fun! I'd love to give it a go because it's kind of like kayaking and I love kayaking! Would you give it a go if there was a more fun event that wasn't a competition?
Nicky :)
Hey Jazire
Thank you for commenting and giving me some feed back...
Hey Nicky
Thank you for commenting and giving me some feed back..
Actually I would take part if it wasn't a competition...
Kia ora Vedel
Well done I loved how you started of with this task, however why wouldn't you do it? Keep it up.
Hey Vedel
I can really see the all of the hard work that you have put into this activity. I also am doing the summer learning journey on my blog. What was your favrioute part about this activity? Why?
Hope you have a merry christmas and a happy new year.
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