
Wednesday 1 March 2017

Omaru Stream

Our topic for term 1 is about streams. Our school stream is Omaru Stream. When we first visited the stream as a class it was dirty and it look like someone boomed it. We started walking around   we discover a lot of thing like beer bottles, brunches that were broken and had fallen inside the stream, and the worst thing was the water. The water looked slimy, there was properly a few of sea creatures and the water wasn't moving. If the water doesn't move then that could mean that the pipes are blocked.

Speaking about pipes did you know that when the pipes are blocked or broken then you might need to get it checked out. Some sea creatures might like fresh water but some might like dirty water. When we went we saw catfish and crabs. Also the grass or weed needs to be pulled or cut.

So please help our school clean up Omaru Stream because it needs a lot of help.


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