
Friday 10 November 2017

Scientific Method - Burning Paper

Chemical Reaction - Burning Newspaper
Ask a question
What I want to know? I wonder if burning newspaper is a chemical change or physical change.
Construct a hypothesis( make a guess)
That the paper with  turn into ashes.
Conduct the experiment
First we tried to set the paper on fire with the matches but that was a fail. After that we realized that we need a lighter that's when something started to happen. The paper was starting to burn and the smell was different compared to the matches. Then the whole thing was burning and was turning into ashes. There was a lot of smoke and was making a bigger flames.
Record your observations and data colour change,
That there were a lot of ashes. And there was a colour change of white to greyish.
Analyse information
The results were that when we were trying to burn the paper with the matches it was very slow but when we used the lighter the paper started to burn faster.

Screenshot 2017-11-03 at 11.07.24.png


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