Vedel Mysterious Island 30 May 2017
WALT - To write a powerful narrative.
- I must use show not tell sentences.
- I must use expensive words.
- I must use punctuations correctly.
- I must different types of sentences.
- I must use conjunctions to link my ideas.
It was almost Spring when Emily, Mum and I were about to explore Mysterious Island. I had found out about the island when Mr Randy was talking about it in class. When I had found out about this my eyes were full of tears.
After 2 hours in a plane I then awoke and saw fog approaching us. At first I thought that it was like (Mrs Foglore ) from the book James and the Mysterious Island. But I forgot it was a fiction book and those books aren't true. We then kept on flying around and saw that the fog was disappearing. As it disappeared I could feel that I was a bit dizzy.
Finally I could hear mum saying “ We're here. “ My frown then turned upside down and I could see the Island. I then sprinted off the plane and the first thing I could see were human bodies with no flesh. My heart ws racing and my face turned blue.
Emily quickly ran ahead and while mum and I were still trying to catch up to her we saw a lighthouse. The entryway then opened mysterious and all I could pick up was “ This island is cursed, I’m telling you cursed. “ Emily and I were spooked about what the weird voice had said. When then found a cottage and decided to speed the night in the cottage.
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